I looked through the digitized invoices and receipts and was wowed! While not a lot of printed billheads, there were a few. Lots and lots of manuscript billheads which were also very interesting. I created a cheat sheet for the printed billheads below:
Box 2, Folder 6 - 1833 - pages 40 and 78 1833 – Thomas A. Rust – Richmond VA - hardware cutlery and saddlery - located at the sign of the lock
Box 2, Folder 4 - page 47 - Isham Puckett Central Hotel – preprinted – horse, day’s board, dinner, supper, lodging, breakfast, cigars and sundries at the bar and servants’ expenses.
Box 2, Folder 1 - pages 37-41 - F & E James & Co. - Richmond, VA -dealers in English, French, India, Scottish, Irish, German and domestic dry goods.
Box 1, Folder 17, pages 1-22 - 1827 William Neale & Co. Richmond, VA - looks like printed by Lieberman?Box 1, Folder 16 - page 19 - 1826 William & D. Kyle & Co. – Richmond, VA – left side graphic of a wharf with goods.
Box 1, Folder 16 - page 69 - 1826 Hall & Neilson wholesale and retail dry good store – Richmond, VA.
Box 1, Folder 15 - page 1 - 1824 William Crane, his shoe and leather store – Richmond, VA – Left side signboard: constantly on hand: Philadelphia calfskins, morocco leather, shoemakers’ tools, shoe thread, hog skins, bag hides, horse collars, coach lace, fringe, and tassels, plated moulding, tanner’s oil, carriers’ tools, Spanish hides, etc.
Box 1, Folder 15 - page 23 - 1824 Thomas Neilson & Co. wholesale retail fancy and staple dry goods store – Petersburg, VA – double graphics – top center of the firms store- and left margin a large ship – looks like printed by J. Mase of Philadelphia.
Additional Neilson billheads in Box 1, Folder 14 - pages 1, 7/ Box 1, Folder 12 - page 48
Box 1, Folder 15 - page 67 -1825 JW & E Paterson Baltimore MD - iron.
Box 1, Folder 15 - page 75 - 1825 John M’Entire merchant tailor Richmond VA.
Robert Douthat receipts:
Page 81 - 1849 Word, Ferguson & Barksdale - Richmond, VA - dealers in staple and fancy dry goods - light blue colored.
Pages 105, 129, 175 - 1854 Mitchell & Tyler - Richmond, VA - dealers in clocks, watches, jewelry, silver and plated ware, military and fancy goods.
Page 131 - 1854 preprinted tax receipt to Peter Birchett - slaves, cattle, horses, watches, clocks.
Page 137 - 1855 Bulkley & Co. - Richmond, VA - importers and dealers in china, glass and house furnishing goods, lamps, fine ivory cutlery, plated goods, tea trays.
Page 144 - 1855 Exchange Hotel - Richmond, VA - left side hotel graphic- blue colored.
Box 3, Folder 7:
Page 1 - 1861 Spence & Garey - Richmond, VA - clothiers and merchant tailors.
Page 13 - 1866 Blunt & Moseley - Richmond, VA - druggist and apothecaries - same left side signboard: special attention to physicians' orders and family medicines.
Page 57 - 1877 Walke & Williams - Norfolk, VA - dealers in drugs, medicines, chemicals, essences, oils.
Page 59 - 1879 Dunlop & McCance - Richmond, VA - merchant millers.
Page 61 - 1878 Watkins, Cottrell & Co. - Richmond, VA - importers and dealers in foreign and domestic saddlery and hardware.
Page 99 - 1888 Carter & Ryland - Richmond, VA - grocers, commission merchants, and dealers in iron and steel - left side signboard: DuPont's gunpowders, Atlas powder.
Page 105 - 1898 Riverside Cigar Co. - Danville, VA - manufacturers havana cigars - leading brands: Oronoco Club, Riverside, Ozone and Opera Star.