My personal collecting has slowed considerably due to this falls unfortunate car issue and Gus, the dog, yet again in the hospital. Regardless, I always troll ebay UK for billheads and for ones I can get on the cheap. I bought this billhead about a month ago. It has a nice plate mark and left side graphic with all kinds of tools and iron goods.
In 1843 the first modern version of baking powder was discovered and manufactured by Alfred Bird, a British chemist. In 1846, Justus Von Liebig in Germany experiments with yeast made from sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid with explosive results. In 1885, Eben Horsford and George Wilson manufacture chemicals which eventually became the Rumford Chemical Works. Horsford formulated and patented Rumford Baking Powder, the first calcium phopshate baking powder. In 1889, William Wright and chemist George Rew developed a double-action baking powder marketed under the name Calumet Baking Powder. Below find some examples of baking powder billheads.