As promised several months ago, here follows a three part series of the George Youle billhead I purchased off of
ebay many months ago. This first part is on the description of the billhead with following parts on the item
purchased and a little history of George Youle and his family.
The billhead is an early illustrated billhead dated December 19, 1822. Youle used the top portion of the billhead
to advertise everything he did.
George Youle Plumber & Iron Founder at No. 294 & 296,
general assortment of his Patent Cook Stoves & Cabouses, of every description together with stoves of various
sizes, & patterns for Churches, Halls, Manufacturers, Offices & c.
The center stove is nicely engraved and the word patent can be seen across its front. Engraved by Lewis sc. The
sc traditionally means engraved by. So, we can presume that the billhead stove graphic was Engraved by Lewis.
The billhead is signed by George Youle, Jr. Part II will discuss what was purchased from Youle and its