No. 5. = Billhead for John Stainton Printer, Bookseller, Bookbinder and Stationer, Dealer in Paper Hangings, Floor Cloths, and Table Coverings, Music and Musical Instruments, in great variety, Agent for London and Countey Newspapers, Bibles and Prayers in plain and elegant bindings, Genuine Patent Medicines. No graphic on this billhead. Dated 1840. John Stainton is listed in Slater’s National Directory under Booksellers and under Printers located at 305 High Street. No. 6.= Billhead for Thomas Winn Linen and Woolen Draper of Lincoln. Billhead has a left side graphic of a woman in flowing garb holding a shield that states Funerals Furnished. Lion in background and ship too. Engraved by Thomas. Dated September, 1826. No. 7. = Two billheads for Winn & Whitton Linen and Woolen Drapers Funerals Furnished. First one has a left side graphic of a seated smiling woman this time with a lion under her feet on the coast with a ship in the background and the woman is sketching on a pad ...
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