Another popular collecting area for billheads is that of oyster companies. I particularly like these billheads as they tend to be elaborate and decorative. The names of the oyster brands are also funny and interesting. Oysters became popular in 19th century America with the rise of oyster houses, oyster parties and oyster cookbooks. As Easterners settled westward, they took their love of oysteers with them. In his Life and Liberty in America, Charles McKay stated that: "The rich consume oysters and Champagne ; the poorer classes consume oysters and lager bier, and that is one of the principal social differences between the two sections of the community." The meet the western demand, oysters were shipped via stagecoach on the "Oyster Line" between Baltimore to Ohio, then via the Erie Canal. Read more on the popularity of the oysters here.
Below are some examples of oyster billheads.
Below are some examples of oyster billheads.