While my main focus for this blog is on billheads and receipts (I know I haven’t posted anything on this topic yet, but I will get there). I thought I would mention letterheads too. Recently, I saw some neat examples on ebay. Obviously, these do not have the "bought of" on the document, but if you like graphics and advertising ephemera, some letterheads can be quite stunning in their design. I have posted below several nice examples that are currently for sale on ebay (not by me, but another sellers). Also, here is a link to an interesting article about a letterhead collection from the NY Times in 1996. There was also a companion book published about the exhibit entitled Letters from the Avant Garde: Modern Graphic Design by Ellen Lupton and Elaine Lustig Cohen.
In 1843 the first modern version of baking powder was discovered and manufactured by Alfred Bird, a British chemist. In 1846, Justus Von Liebig in Germany experiments with yeast made from sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid with explosive results. In 1885, Eben Horsford and George Wilson manufacture chemicals which eventually became the Rumford Chemical Works. Horsford formulated and patented Rumford Baking Powder, the first calcium phopshate baking powder. In 1889, William Wright and chemist George Rew developed a double-action baking powder marketed under the name Calumet Baking Powder. Below find some examples of baking powder billheads.