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Showing posts from September, 2011

Depictions of labor

In honor of Labor Day I ransacked my images for billheads and letterheads that depicted working people. 1917 billhead John Burns fruit house and oysters La Crosse WI showing men unloading boxes on Mississippi River. 1888 billhead WD Newton cigar maker of Victor NY showing a man rolling a cigar. 1846 billhead Rich Downie Hereford brazier and tin plate worker UK showing interior scene of men pounding tin. 1868 billhead Samuel Richards glass makers pf Philadelphia showing men shoveling. Billhead for Martin Dawon candy maker of Chicago IL with an interior scene of men working. 1884 billhead William King & Bro glass manufactures with interior scene of men working. 1894 billhead Buffalo Fish Company showing an interior scene of the factory and men working. 1855 billhead Mower & Rye job printers of Concord NH showing a man running a printing press. 1864 billhead for Big Redwood Mills manufactures of lumber of Mayfield showing a man leading a team of horses pulling a load of lumber. Ma...

Letterhead top - Axel Silversparre

I purchased this letterhead top along with 4 others on ebay this past March. I was drawn to the image of the men surveying. The billhead is dated 188_ and states: Axel Silversparre civil and topographical engineer Washington D.C. Axel Silversparre was born in 1834 at Strangas Sweden. He came to America. In January and February 1862 he recruited Battery H out of Chicago. His command was know as “Silversparre’s Battery.” In March the battery was ordered to St. Louis where it was equipped with as a four 20 pound gun battery. In the spring of 1862, after it was immediately reassigned to Grant’s Department of Cairo which was building up for campaigns on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. Silversparre’s Battery took part in the Battle of Shiloh forming the center of the line of artillery and repulsed the last charges of the Confederates. Soon after the battery became part of General Sherman’s command attached to the 2nd Division of the XV Corps where it remained for the rest o...