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Showing posts from May, 2011

Bicycle Billheads & Letterheads

Finally, a summer day here in Wisconsin topping off close to 90 degrees. When you live hear you bath in the warmth and sun because soon winter's snow comes back again. I was thinking of a theme for today and bicycles seemed like a good one. I myself am not a bike rider. I grew up on a farm with a gravel driveway and mom would never let us kids ride bikes on the road. After wiping out enough and picking gravel out of your knees, the whole bike riding thing seemed pointless. Needless to say, I consider myself a hazard to other bikers and cars if I was on a bike. I have sold many a bicycle themed billhead / letterhead over the years and they just don't bring high prices. For how much some of the old school bicycles are worth (watch American Pickers for reference), I am surprised there isn't a bigger following for bicycle themed paper.

National Bank of Rutland letterhead

Here is another piece from my US buying spree lately. The UK stuff gets more and more expensive, so I am expanding to cheap US billheads and letterheads. The Bank of Rutland was incorporated on November 1, 1824 with a capital of $50,000. Its officers were Robert Temple, president and William Page, cashier. The bank was the fourth chartered bank in Vermont. The bank printed its own money. In 1866, the bank reorganized as the National Bank of Rutland with a capital of $300,000 and its officers were John Boardman Page, president; Francis Slason, vice president; and Sidney W. Rowell, cashier. Here is an example of the bank's currency.

Invincible Thresher - Three Rivers WI

Here is another of my recent US purchases, a 1878 letterhead for Roberts, Throp & Company of Three Rivers Michigan manufacturers of the original Invincible Thresher. What drew me to this letterhead was the geometric graphic on the header. The firm was established in 1848 by Cyrus Roberts and John Cox in Belleville Illinois under the name Roberts & Cox. The pair bean manufacturing threshers. In 1856, after building a successful business in Illinois, the pair sold out. Cyrus Roberts removed to Three Rivers Michigan and began making threshers again. In 1857, he was rejoined by Cox and wagon maker John Throp joined the firm. Roberts was the inventor of the firm and patented his vibrating threshing machine. The firm incorporated in 1875. Here is an example of the cover of a firm catalog. The entire catalog can be viewed at Virginia Tech image base .

Newest edition to my collection - Widdicomb Furniture Co.

Lately, I can't help but buy some U.S. letterheads and billheads. I have an affinity for billheads / letterheads / receipts from the 1870s. Here is a recent purchase for the Widdicomb Furniture Co. of Grand Rapids Michigan. For 145 years, the Widdicomb name has been recognized in the furniture world. The earliest Widdicomb company was organized in 1857, by George Widdicomb, a British trained cabinet maker, employing 12 men, plus his four sons Harry, William, George Jr., and John. Except during the Civil War, a Widdicomb furniture firm was run by the family until 1916. The John Widdicomb Co. was founded in 1897 when John left the parent company to form his own firm. Though he died in 1910, that firm continued under his name until the 1990’s, and purchased the title of the original company in the 1970’s.

Refrigerator Billheads & Letterheads

In light of the fact that we are set to hit 80 degrees tomorrow in Wisconsin, it made me glad I have air conditioning. Here are some refrigerator billheads and letterheads.