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Showing posts from January, 2010

Tebbets or Tibbets

I recently purchased some billheads New Hampshire . The billheads trade between firm spellings of Tibbets and Tebbets. Both have the same address No. 20 Market Street . Both have simple signboard advertisement on the left hand side with slightly different product listings. The Tebbets is dated 1876 and the Tibbets is dated 1875. In a Manchester New Hampshire directory dated 1882 is shows a Tebbets Brothers in Rochester, an E.A. Tibbets & Son in Great Falls/Somersworth (more on New Hampshire’s crazy confusing double town names and the difficulty it creates in researching old businesses in another soon to be post). Even a Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire interchanges the spellings of the surname. An Ebenezer Armstrong (E.A.) Tebbets is listed as a merchant. His son William Tibbets is listed as being a clerk in the firm of Tibbets & Brother at Somersworth, then he became a partner in his father’s firm under the name E...


Art Related Billheads

Billhead of the Month - Charles Groff

This billhead has everything you could want. Awesome graphic, great decorative printing. When you would get this with your product, you had to have been impressed with Groff's business. Bibliographical information: November 9, 1889, decorative graphic billhead for Culina Mills. Sole Manufacturers of Charles R. Groff. Celebrated Snow Flake Baking Powder. Located at 346 & 348 Sibley Street , St. Paul Minnesota . Striking left side graphic of a woman on a horse with a spear in hand, fighting a tiger that has latched onto the horse. Printed by the National Bureau of Engraving of Philadelphia . History: Mathew Groff, father of Charles, was a painted by trade. He eventually became a partner in the drug firm Wren, Groff & Regally and thus began the manufacturer of Snow Flake Baking Powder. The receipe for the same passed to his son Charles on his death. Charles Groff began making baking powder in Minnesota in 1874 under the “Snow Flake” trademark as secretary and genera...