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Showing posts from December, 2009

Happy New Year - Alcohol & Spirits

Hope you enjoyed these billheads while you ring in the new year!

Changes for the New Year

As you can tell, I made some changes to the blog's look. I really wanted columns on both sides with the posts down the middle. After experimenting with a bunch of free downloaded templates, I have settled on this one. I might change it again, but for now I am going to work with this one. Notice the Archive has moved to the left side. I also added a right side column with a photo to show off the new additions to my collection. Hope to keep this image changing for you all to see what I am buying - mainly UK stuff. I do sell billheads on ebay so if I find a particularly neat one I might also show it off too. I am also going back and attaching labels to my posts for easier searching. For example, if you like biscuit billheads, you can click on Biscuits and see all the posts with these kinds of billheads. Starting next month I am going to be doing a post dubbed "Billhead of the Month." Since my favorite thing to do when I get new billheads is to research them to deat...


Ice Billheads et al

Since I have been cooped up all day here in Wisconsin due to the snow and blizzard conditions, I thought it would be appropriate to show some billheads, one receipt and a bill of lading too - all having an ice theme. Notice several of the billheads show a graphic of an ice wagon. Enjoy!

Business Receipts

Billheads and their trade cards

While I love and collect billheads - I also really enjoy trade cards as well. I think of them as small artwork. That is, I can't afford the large lithographed ad signs and posters, but I can most some of the trade cards. Thought I would showcase some billheads with their trade cards - I did choose trade cards that were colorful and unique.