Sorry I haven't been posting a lot these last few months. Work has been incredibly busy and Gus, the dog, was very ill and in the hospital for a few days. Poor guy can't catch a break. He is on the mend and doing well.
Back to the printers of billheads. Jacob H. Warner was a prolific printer of billheads, checks, trade cards and stock certificates. When looking at his billheads, you can see a style emerge. Warner printed decorative headers and graphics. After looking at so many Warner billheads, I can pick out Warner's billheads on ebay.

Back to the printers of billheads. Jacob H. Warner was a prolific printer of billheads, checks, trade cards and stock certificates. When looking at his billheads, you can see a style emerge. Warner printed decorative headers and graphics. After looking at so many Warner billheads, I can pick out Warner's billheads on ebay.
